Difference Between Title 2 and Title 16 Disability

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Difference Between Title 2 and Title 16 Disability

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) two federal benefit programs. These are often referred to as Title 16 and Title 2, but what is the difference between Title 2 and Title 16 disability?

SSI is a supplement for families and individuals with little to no income, and is sometimes referred to as Title XVI or Title 16 benefits. SSI is paid from general tax revenues rather than from contributions a person has made to Social Security over their lifetime. SSI is a federal program designed to help the very low income individuals and the elderly with basic needs funding for food, clothing and shelter. SSI is definitely based on need, and it has extremely low income requirements in order for you to qualify. There are also very strict limitations on asset ownership.

On the other hand, people who have a demonstrated employment history can apply for SSDI if they’ve since become disabled.. Also called Title II or Title 2 disability, the amount you receive is determined by the amount you paid in during your lifetime of employment before you were disabled. People aged 18 or over with a terminal or long-lasting medical condition and with a demonstrated work history may qualify for SSDI benefits. Your past employers would have deducted your SSA contribution from your paycheck (FICA tax). The SSA has a formula that is based on age and employment years, which they use to calculate work credits to determine the amount you will be paid for your disability benefit.

If you don’t have enough work credits, you might still qualify for the SSI or Title XVI benefits. SSI has no associated work requirement.
For both programs, 42 of the 50 states provide state funds that supplement the federal benefits. Only eight states–Arkansas, Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia—do not provide a state supplement.

Regarding paperwork, both programs required identifying information such as birth certificate and proof of US citizenship as well as detailed medical information that outlines your disability. Test records, hospitalization records, medication history, medical notes and other information are needed. For SSDI, you will have to clearly show that your disability creates an inability for you to work at steady employment.

Additionally, for both programs, you’ll have to disclose information about any other benefit programs you might participate in, such as military veteran benefits or worker’s compensation payments.

It’s a lot to know, so call us today. We will inform you of the difference between Title 2 and Title 16 disability, evaluate your situation, and get you the benefits you deserve.

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