SSDI Benefits: Can I Work While Receiving Them?
If you are currently receiving Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits, or you are in the process of applying for them, you probably have some questions about what your options are when it comes to work. For one reason or another, many people want to know if they are still able to work after they start receiving those SSDI benefits, and what, if any, consequences can arise from working while receiving the benefits. If you have questions like that, read on for the answers.
Can I Work?
So, can you work while receiving SSDI benefits? In a word: No. Keep in mind, the whole point of SSDI benefits is based on the idea that, because of your disability or injury, you are unable to work. That is why you are getting the payments in the first place. If you were able to work anyway, then why would the Social Security Administration send you the money? That money is not meant as an award for damages and inconvenienced caused. If you’re looking for that money, then filing a personal injury suit is the way to go.
SSDI, on the other hand, is money that is meant to help make up the shortfall that occurs because you are unable to work. So, if you still go ahead and work and collect that paycheck, you are, to an extant, taking money that is not meant for you and your situation.
Having said “No,” however, it isn’t quite as cut-and-dried as all that. The SSA does actually allow you to work a little. How little? Well, the cut-off is what is known as Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). As long as your work is bringing in less than the currently-defined SGA limit, you should be okay. Once you start earning more than the SGA amount, that is when you could run into problems. In 2017, the current SGA limit is $1,170 a month. So, if you do find yourself picking up a little work, it’s important to keep that monthly limit in mind!
What Happens if I Earn More than the SGA?
Well, to put it bluntly: once the SSA gets wind of your ability to work and earn enough, then they will determine that you are no longer in need of benefits, or that your disability is no longer affecting your ability to work. In other words, you will most likely lose your SSDI benefits.
If you have more questions about this or other disability-related items, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!