Supplemental Security Income

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Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Lawyers

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based, cash assistance program designed to assist people who are disabled, elderly (over age 65), or are blind. To be eligible, a person must have little to no income or assets.  

SSI is managed and administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for the purpose of assisting qualified people who need help meeting their basic living expenses. SSI is funded by general tax revenues and paid for by the United States government. People who are approved for SSI benefits may also qualify for Medicaid assistance

Do you qualify for SSI?

The Social Security Administration determines whether an applicant is eligible for SSI based on the following factors: 

  • You have little to no household income or other resources.
  • Your disability is expected to last at least 12 months, or be serious enough to cause death.
  • You must be unable to perform your past work or any other work on a regular basis.

Supplemental Security Income FAQs

Before beginning the SSI application process, take time to review the eligibility requirements to make certain that you meet them. If you are unsure about the financial and medical guidelines you must meet to qualify for SSI, now would be a good time to contact a SSI lawyer at London Disability for supplemental security income application assistance.  

A representative from London Disability guides you through the SSI application process to relieve you of the burden of trying to sort through a maze of regulations and complicated procedures. Learn more by scheduling a free consultation.  

The SSI program provides payments each month to adults and children who are disabled or blind or to nondisabled adults who are 65 years of age and older. Your income and resources may not exceed the eligibility limits, which are very low. For instance, you may not have resources with a total value exceeding $2,000 as an individual.  

A free consultation and supplemental security income application assistance with an SSI lawyer helps you learn about other eligibility requirements of the program, including:  

  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens or nationals.  
  • You must reside in the U.S. or the Northern Mariana Islands. 
  • You cannot live outside of the country for a full calendar month or for 30 or more consecutive  days. 
  • You cannot be confined to a hospital, prison, or other institution paid for by the government.

A London Disability SSI lawyer reviews the eligibility rules with you to ensure that you meet each of them before applying for SSI benefits.

Around two-thirds of applicants for Social Security disability benefits fail to be approved after the initial determination process. A study conducted by the federal government found that appeals of denied claims have a three times greater chance of success when a claimant has a lawyer than when they do not.  

An SSI lawyer can ensure that your application for benefits is accurate and complete, which avoids processing delays and denials that may have been avoided. For the application and appeal process, your lawyer gathers medical records and statements from your doctors to support your SSI claim rather than waiting for Social Security to request your medical records.    

At the hearing and Appeals Council stages of the appeal process, a lawyer’s understanding of the law and regulations helps in the development and presentation of persuasive arguments favoring the approval of your claim along with evidence supporting them.   

When hiring an SSI lawyer or disability advocate to handle your claim for benefits, you will not be charged an up-front fee. The Social Security Administration controls what a lawyer or representative may charge and how the fee is paid.  

Disability lawyers at London Disability work on a contingency basis in compliance with SSA regulations. A contingency fee means that no legal fees are owed by you unless you win your claim for benefits.  


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