What are Social Security Disability Interview Questions to Know?
When a medical condition causes you to be disabled, the financial strain of being unable to work can be overwhelming. A physical or mental health impairment that lasts or is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death may allow you to qualify for Social Security disability benefits that include medical coverage.
Getting disability benefits through Social Security is not easy. More than two-thirds of the applications submitted each year result in a denial of benefits.
A critical factor in determining success or failure during the application process is the answers that you give to the disability interview questions. Even though you already provided information in the application that you filed online, an in-person or over-the-phone interview with someone from Social Security is part of the application process.
The SSD interview questions are designed to gather information about you, your disability, and your ability to work. The interview offers you an opportunity to strengthen your claim through the answers that you give to the interviewer.
The following are some of the common questions asked and tips to help you to prepare for the disability interview. Additional information and advice about the SSD interview questions are available from the disability advocates at London Disability.
Preparation For The Disability Interview
The questions asked by the Social Security Administrative representative conducting your interview will cover your work history and education in addition to gathering information about your medical condition, including:
- Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the doctors you have seen regarding your medical condition. You also must be prepared to give the dates for visits with each of the doctors.
- The medications prescribed for you and diagnostic testing are ordered by each doctor who has treated you for the medical condition.
- The effect of the medical condition on your daily activities, including work activities.
You will also be asked for personal information, such as marital status. Your SSD lawyer may determine that you are eligible for disability benefits through the Supplemental Security Income program, so the SSD interview questions may ask you for information about income, resources, and living arrangements that may affect your eligibility for the SSI program.
The in-person or telephone interview takes about one hour, but a little preparation on your part helps to ensure that you are prepared to furnish all of the information that may be requested. You want the application to be as complete as possible to improve the chance of a favorable outcome, so prepare for the interview by gathering all of the medical records that you have in your possession.
Common Social Security Disability Questions
The following are some of the typical questions you should anticipate being asked during a disability interview:
- What are your marital status and the date of your marriage?
- What is the name and date of birth of your spouse and your children?
- If divorced, what is the date of the divorce?
- When did your disability begin?
- What was the last date that you worked?
- What are the names and contact information of each doctor that you have seen for evaluation or treatment of your medical condition or conditions and the dates of each appointment?
- What diagnostic or laboratory testing was done in order to diagnose and treat your medical condition?
- What medications have been prescribed by the doctors treating you for your disabling medical condition or conditions?
- What treatment have you received for
- What are the names and addresses of employers for whom you worked during at least the past 15 years?
- What level of formal education have you completed?
- What job training have you received?
If you are applying for Supplemental Security Income, which is a need-based program for people with limited income and resources, you may also be asked for answers to the following questions regarding your assets, income, and living arrangements:
- What is your marital status?
- Where do you live?
- Do you live with a spouse or another person?
- Do you own or rent where you live?
- If you rent, who is the landlord, and how much rent do you pay each month?
- How much income do you receive each month, and what is the source or source of that income?
- When did you last receive an income from working for an employer or through self-employment?
- What resources or assets do you own or have available to you that can be used to provide food and shelter?
Depending on the nature of your medical condition and other factors specific to your application for benefits there may be other disability interview questions that you will be asked. For example, if your claim is for disability benefits based on a mental health impairment, you may be asked questions designed to determine whether you have the ability to manage your finances and benefits without assistance. If you cannot, someone can be appointed to manage the benefits for you.
Get Help From A Disability Advocate
When you need help getting the disability benefits that you need and deserve, a disability advocate at London Disability is only a phone call away. Contact us today for a free consultation and claim review.